Bury This Pain

I was just silently woken up
Wondering where I should found my self out
Instead of waking up
I prefer lost my self on those dreams last night

What if i never open my eyes anymore?
Like I wish they did so
Will everybody just leave me alone in my insanity?
Perhaps YES, but NO, they will not
They will soon join me in it
One more and more
Even more and more

I felt dust was blown away
It stuck in my brain
You won't let me kill these pain
Nor let me to be me once again
It's completely mental
I can't even have me just to breathe
No, I don't need more
I just need an hour to ignore
Please let me in
Let me bury these pain
Together with my whole body

Kediri, July 6th, 2019. 22:32 wib


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