A Smell of Yesterdays

A lapis lazuli, my eyes full of treasure
I was staring at the sky and all I see was azure
I breathed with my eyes close
But I could not feel the oxygene through my nose

A smell of yesterdays or the other days before
They haunted me to gain things I wore
I put my pride on, while I put my fears off
Where all my ambitions should find their way home
I set them free, then they flew away, broke away
But then, they still grumbled

Feeling numb like I don't even know how to cry
Why, tho? Crying? What is that for, anyway?
World will never let you down if you don't let it be
Nor time will let you to be everyone else
You decide, anyway

Why did you look so pathetic then?
Like it was the end of the world
Well, you do not have to be sincere and mischievous at the same time
Even you can not be cheerful and playful at the same time
You're right, you decide, not everyone else

People can decide "to do list" in your life
But you will never let them to do so, right?
Act like the way you want to be
Shut their "why"s up by your chin up
I know that you crave to be you, not everyone else
Just YOU here and now, that's all
No more reasons to describe
No more yesterdays

Kediri, July 6th, 2019. 23:23 wib


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